We have a juicy new DJI rumor: Earlier this month DJI Global made trademark filings for the name SPARK.
With no other recent product filings (FCC or otherwise) we have to guess that the recently leaked Mavic S is the most likely candidate to be called Spark. Get it? Mavic “S”….”S” for “Spark”?

A few weeks ago, DJILeaks.com was the first to put images of the new Mavic S drone online, along with detailed specs on the subtle differences between it and the Mavic Pro.
While some drone rumors suggest a new racing quadcopter might be in the mix for DJI, we actually think the ‘Spark’ might also be a new product altogether. It’s entirely possible that DJI is working on a variation of it’s Osmo technology to produce a wearable 4k action camera.
Time will tell, so we’ll put our FCC sniffers on notice to make sure you’re the first to know. Share your thoughts in the comments, or better yet confirm or share a DJI rumor that we can pass along to our community.
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