The FAA’s new rules governing Operations Over People will take effect on April 21st and the federal agency has announced that current Part 107 certificate holders can complete a free training course and exam in order to meet the requirements.
Once they have completed the Operations Over People training and exam, Part 107 pilots will be allowed to operate drones over people, moving vehicles and at night without a waiver under ‘certain conditions’.
There are three FAA training courses based on whether you are a Part 61 or Part 107 certificate holder:
- Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Initial (ALC-451)
- Current Part 61 cert holders are eligible to take this course
- Part 107 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Recurrent (ALC-515)
- Part 107 remote pilots who are also certified & current under Part 61 are eligible to take this course
- Part 107 Small UAS Recurrent Non-Part 61 Pilots (ALC-677)
- Part 107 remote pilot cert holders are eligible to take this course
Operations Over People are subject to specific conditions depending whether the unmanned aircraft is in Category 1, 2, 3, or 4. For more information read the FAA’s Operations Over People General Overview.