CASEY NEISTAT: “Mavic 2 Zoom Will Be My New #1 Go To Drone”

Now that the DJI drone launch event “See The Bigger Picture” has finally happened, it’s time for the rubber to hit the road.

It’s one thing to go over the specs and compare features, but we also look to experienced users who really know what they’re talking about.

Creators like Casey Neistat have been using drone video for years, and long before being a Youtuber even became a mainstream thing.

Casey has tried them all. The GoPro Karma, DJI Spark, Mavic Pro, Mavic Air, just about every Phantom and more.

When the Mavic Air was released earlier this year Casey called it “my favorite drone i’ve ever used“.  And he went on to use it regularly creating his Youtube videos.

Before that Neistat was an early adopter of the DJI Mavic Pro, which he called “the greatest drone ever

So when he says the new “DJI Mavic 2 Zoom will be my new #1 go to drone“, we think you should believe him.

Between the new Mavic 2 models, Casey really seems to get the value of the optical zoom feature and the Hyperlapse. Neistat’s videos have almost always incorporated some sort of time-lapse element, and we expect Hyperlapse to play into his channel frequently.

Casey reviewed both of the Mavic 2 drones on his channel today, take a look below.

Regardles of whether you chose the Mavic 2 Pro or the Mavic 2 Zoom, you’re going to be very, very happy with the results.

The Mavic 2 Zoom ($1249) and Mavic 2 Pro($1449) were released today and ship next day.


Dave Johnstone

Dave Johnstone is Managing Editor at DroneReviewsAndNews where he writes and reports on all drone news. In addition to be a Transport Canada Advanced drone pilot, he is also a contributor at and founder of You can reach him at or @dronenewsguy

One thought on “CASEY NEISTAT: “Mavic 2 Zoom Will Be My New #1 Go To Drone”

  • Moin, ich habe eine Mavic Pro Platinum und bin beeindruckt was DJI mit der Mavic 2 noch oben drauf packt. Mit der Bedienung und Flugverhalten/-leistung ich jetzt schon sehr zufrieden. Das es immer wieder Verstöße (meistens) mit Drohnen gegen geltendes Recht gibt, das liegt wohl grundsätzlich daran, das der Vertrieb einen Kunden nicht entsprechend informiert/aufklärt. Da es bereits Bestrebungen gibt, zukünftig eine Registrierung von UAV einzuführen, wird sich das Nutzerverhalten danach entsprechend anpassen.


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