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We love it when we get emails and submissions from our readers. Sometimes they’re suggestions about future articles and other times they add further information to what we’ve already written.
But the best submissions are rumors and leaks, sometimes even photos, about DJI products.
So how do you submit a DJI rumor, leak or photo to us? It’s simple.
Visit our Contact page here.
Take a moment to review our suggestions for making a submission. There are many different reasons why you would consider passing information along to us:
- You are connected to DJI’s supply chain or retail network and have info on new products
- You ordered a DJI drone or other product and have an update on fulfillment times
- You have experienced a service interaction with DJI Support and have info that is helpful to our readers
- You have any information on current or future DJI products that our readers would be interested in
- You found a great deal on DJI products that you would like to share with the broader community
Rumor / Leak Submission Guidelines:
- Use the form on our Contact & Submission page here.
- We guarantee your anonymity. Period. Your IP is never logged. Ever.
- While all fields on the Submission form are ‘optional’, having your email address is handy in case we need to follow up for clarification
- If you prefer you can also just email us directly at djileaksguy@djileaks.com
Photos are always welcome, feel free to email directly or use an image hosting site such as Flickr or ImageShack.
Thanks for sharing exciting product updates and information with our readers!