DJI released the GoPro beating Osmo Action camera today and everyone is raving about it’s this dual-screen wonder.
You can read all about it in our article from this morning here.
What we will say is that GoPro has met it’s first serious challenger and from the reviews we’ve seen online the Osmo Action is actually better than the GoPro HERO7!
If you’re like a lot of GoPro owners, chances are you own an older model (or two) or have other ‘dated’ tech stuff that you no longer use or has become functionally obsolescent.
DJI’s Trade Up program let’s you turn in your old tablets, phones, cameras and drones to get credit towards a new DJI purchase (like the Osmo Action or Mavic 2 Pro). In fact, you can use it for any DJI product on the DJI Store.
Simply go to the DJI Trade Up page and select the device you want to trade in. THere is a full list of products you can trade in from Blackberries to GoPro’s and just about everything in between. Sorry, no Karma drones though.
DJI will give you an instant estimate and for a limited time (until June 15th) you’ll actually get a 20% bonus on the value of your trade-in!
We tried it with an old GoPro HERO3+ Black and with the bonus it gets us $24 worth of DJI Credit.
Once you submit your request you ship your gear to DJI for evaluation and release of your DJI Credit. GoPro ran a similar program a year or two ago, but we can’t speak to it’s success.
If nothing else, the DJI Trade Up program gets you some extra cash toward your new DJI product and takes an unused or unloved piece of equipment off your hands while it gets you closer to the gear you want.
The 20% bonus is a limited time offer, so its best to jump on it right away.
Full details and and FAQ here.