Fast on the heels of the recent DJI Mavic 2 leaked photos, we have what appears to be yet another version of the DJI Mavic drone.
Labeled as the “Mavic Enterprise” in the images, the payload carrying drone is shown carrying different attachments in two separate photos.
In the top photo, the large top mounted device appears to be some sort of audio speaker, perhaps to be used as a drone mounted communication device.
The second photo, below, shows the Mavic Enterprise with a top mounted light or strobe. Both Mavic Enterprise attachments connect using thumbscrews, however the photos we’ve seen of the Mavic 2 do not show any holes to receive attacments.
The sudden rush of leaked DJI drone photos may actually be coming from direct from DJI, either as a smokescreen for whatever new drones will actually be released or to throw us off the trail.
If you look closely at the bolt attaching the large speaker-like device you can see it’s actually damaged in two places, in the close-up photo below.

DJI’s R&D department is likely filled with dozens of prototype drones and attachments that were considered and eventually shelved. If DJI is actually trying to mess with us, they would definitely putting these objects into staged photos. If these are actual drones and attachments then DJI is succeeding massively at generating buzz ahead of it’s rescheduled launch event.
It’s also curious that the new DJI Mavic Enterprise is sporting the same form factor as the new Mavic 2, but it has a completely different gimbal, below.
The original photo of the Mavic 2 (left), in which we saw two rectangular cameras on gimbals, and the new “Mavic Enterprise” (right) which shows a third gimbal configuration.
Like we said. Somewhere in all of these ‘leaked’ drone photos there may be some truth. But until there’s a launch event and we see it for real, the truth is still up in the air right now.