Last month we told you about the leak of the new Osmo Mobile 2 handheld smartphone gimbal. This leak was confirmed at CES2018, and DJI was even giving them away free at their CES2018 booth.
Available initally from the Apple store in January, DJI anounced that the Osmo Mobile 2 would then be available at “in February”. There’s 4 weeks in February and it drives us bonkers not knowing when something will be available to our readers.

So we opened a chat with DJI Support this morning to see if we could pry some information loose. It doesn’t alwasys work, but sometimes you get an actual human who isn’t afraid to share what they know. Other times you can tell that a
Bot is answering questions and it really just goes around in circles.
Well, we struck out in the chat, as the Bot we paired up with just wanted us to sign up for the email notification.
So after some digging with our other sources we discovered that the Osmo Mobile 2 will be available for pre-order starting at 12am on February 5th. Target shipping date wasn’t available, so we’ll have to suss that out later.
What We Learned
So we picked up a few more tidbits of info on the Osmo Mobile 2 while we were digging. Here are the highlights;
- 15 hour battery will not be removable
- Osmo Mobile 2 grip base has built in tripod mount 1/4-20 thread
- Osmo Mobile accessories will not work with Osmo Mobile 2, except for Osmo Tripod which is compatible
- Osmo Mobile 2 has USB port to charge your mobile device while in use
Osmo Mobile 2 will retail for US$129, less than half the price of the original Osmo Mobile which used to be $299 but has been marked down to $199 in advance of the OM2 release.
We already ditched our Osmo Mobile…looking forward to testing out the new model once available.