Due to a combination of high demand and challenges fulfilling those orders, it’s been hard watching the turnaround time on some Mavic orders.
Before January, many orders had been sitting idle for months (literally) as DJI struggled with production. The backlog has gradually been improving, since the end of the two-week holiday celebrating Chinese New Year, but tur-aound time on a Mavic is far from next day.
We ordered an another Mavic from Amazon was on March 17th and we finally received a shipping notification this morning. That means that the order was sent 6 days after pushing the ‘buy now’ button, which isn’t too bad considering two of the days in limbo were a Saturday and Sunday. I’m not sure how much a weekend impedes order fulfillment. but we’ll give them the benefit of the doubt.
When we placed the order, the details on the Mavic page said “in stock on March 26th”. So it’s a bonus that our Mavic actually shipped 3 days ahead of schedule.
DJI has since updated the ‘in stock’ date on the Mavic page to March 30th, so that gives another week from today with a glimmer of hope that maybe you’ll get it earlier like us.
It’s been a frustrating wait for a lot of Mavic owners waiting for delivery, and even difficult on some 3rd party retailers that accepted Mavic pre-orders without knowing that DJI was going to have so much trouble getting production out the door. It was made even worse by the fact that DJI put it’s own direct (ordered from dji.com) orders on highest priority and delayed shipment of 3rd party resellers orders.
If you have recent Mavic order/shipment details, either from Amazon or DJI, leave a note in the comments. If you ordered from outside the US, what country?.
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