London UK Readers: Watch These Jet Near Misses. Then Help Us Tune This Guy In.

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Drone regulations have been ramping up lately.  In a big way.  Just about every major jurisdiction, whether Federal or municipal has been tightening up their drone laws.


Three words. Video like this:

(be warned: the first 30 seconds is against everything we do as drone pilots)

The most recent video on his channel was shot in Tenerife, in the Spanish Canary Islands.  As a fellow drone pilot I can tell you that the first 30 seconds of this video will turn your stomach as it appears the drone is being piloted dangerously close to passenger jets.

From other videos on his channel he appears to be from the West Brom area of the UK.  Many of his videos are in the Gallows Corner / Chase Cross area, having filmed at the Tesco as well as in Havering & Bedford.

Oddly enough, he’s a skilled pilot, and a creatively skilled editor.  If it weren’t for the fact that these videos flaunt the law (and common sense), I’d probably link to his page.

Internet, I leave it in your hands. Let’s help this UK Drone Pilot find a better path for our hobby!

At the 2:02 mark in the video above you get more that a passing glance at the drone operator.  Surely a member of our UK audience knows or has seen him.

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Dave Johnstone

Dave Johnstone is Managing Editor at DroneReviewsAndNews where he writes and reports on all drone news. In addition to be a Transport Canada Advanced drone pilot, he is also a contributor at and founder of You can reach him at or @dronenewsguy

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