Kanzhaji posted photos today of a new Phantom 4 Pro 2.0 that has been submitted for wireless frequency testing in Taiwan. Give it a few weeks or months and we should see an FCC application as well.
A second generation P4Pro was definitely not what we were expecting, but at first glance the new P4P2 looks to be the Phantom 4 Pro equivalent of the Mavic Pro Platinum: Modest adjustments to the motor electronics and an improved brain to accomodate firmware to better control prop speed for quieter operation.
What other improvements have been added, we can only guess at this point, but it should also point to minor improvement in battery life. DJI may have been able to reduce aircraft weight as well.
The remote control features increased lower venting and the aircraft has newly modified platinum style ‘low noise’ propellers.
More details to follow. Will you buy the new P4P2 with low-noise props or wait for the rumored Phantom 5?