GEAR: GoPro Releases Karma Core Replacement Body

While the Karma Drone has yet to be fully resurrected from it’s ashes, GoPro has just released a “Karma Core” drone as a replacement product for crashed drones.

Retailing at $349 it eliminates the need to purchase a whole new drone if yours has fallen on hard times.

From GoPro:

“The Karma Core is a complete replacement for damaged Karma Drones that can’t be fixed with a new arm or landing gear. These parts can be easily replaced and are available individually if there is no other damage to your drone. The core includes the main body, arms and landing gear. Use it with your controller, stabilizer and battery to get back in the air.

  • Complete replacement for drones that can’t be fixed with new arms or landing gear
  • Includes the main body of the drone, four arms and landing gear
  • Use it with your controller, stabilizer and battery to get your GoPro back in the air”

Currently the GoPro website also lists the Karma Drone as “coming soon” and still shows with a $799.99 price tag.

Seeing the challenges DJI has had getting their Mavic drone out the door to consumers, maybe we won’t hold our breath for the Karma’s return just yet.

Dave Johnstone

Dave Johnstone is Managing Editor at DroneReviewsAndNews where he writes and reports on all drone news. In addition to be a Transport Canada Advanced drone pilot, he is also a contributor at HasselbladNews.com and founder of Commercialdronepilots.ca You can reach him at dronenewsguy@dronereviewsandnews.com or @dronenewsguy

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