Today we were snooping around and and we stumbled across an Inspire 2 bundle we haven’t found anywhere else. We originally found the mobile site version, and did a search on but nothing came up.
Now the Inspire 2 Cinema Premium bundle is right there with all of the other Inspire 2 products and accessories. I don’t know how we missed it. But are you ready for the price?
The Inspire 2 Cinema Premium bundle retails for US $20,179.
You saw that right. $20,179
So if an Inspire 2 only costs US$2,999 how come this bundle is so massively expensive?
Well it all comes down to what’s in the box and the software licenses that are included.
First, in the box we have:
- 2 Cendence Remote Controllers (for master and slave)
- 10 Intelligent Flight Batteries
- 6 Pairs of Propellers
- 1 CinemaDNG & Apple ProRes Activation Key
- Zenmuse X7
- 4 Zenmus X7 lenses
- 1 CrystalSky High Brightness 7.85″
- 1 CrystalSky Ultra Brightness 7.85″
- 5 CINESSD (480G)
- CINESSD Station
- DJI Focus Handwheel 2
- All the usual Inspire 2 goodies
This is one helluva a filmmakers bundle. Literally out of the box you’ll be filming a Mission Impossible chase scene.
Along with the Inspire 2 Cinema Premium bundle, DJI has also assembled the Inspire 2 Professional Bundle ($9,850) and the Inspire 2 Premium bundle ($12,300).
Each bundle is slightly different from the others, but we have to guess that the Inspire 2 Cinema Premium bundle just might be the most expensive item at
You can see all of the new Inspire 2 bundles here.
Have a look and let us know what you think.