RUMOR: DJI to Disable “Follow Me” for iPhone 7 & 7+ With Intel chip set?

DJI users have been plagued by a host of annoyances and bugs from devices that don’t want to play nice with the DJI App and drone.

The latest problem is a misfit between certain iPhone 7 and 7+’s and the Follow Me function of the DJI App.

DJI North America Forum Support recently responded to a user’s problem with the iPhone 7 by saying “We are modifying our website to indicate that the iPhone 7 and 7+ with the Intel chip set is not compatible with the Follow Me function.”

If you are using an iPhone 7 or 7+ how do you tell what chip set you have? Simple.

Go to Settings in your iPhone 7 or 7+ and select General>About>>Legal>Regulatory. At the top of the screen you should see the model number.

If it starts with A1778 or A1784 then you have the Intel chip set in your iPhone.  If the model number starts with A1660 or A1661 then you have a Qualcomm set.

We’re still trying to get to the bottom of what the specific issues are with the iPhone 7 Intel chip set.  If you interacted with DJI Support on this issue or are having challenges (such as App freezing or crashing) using Follow Me on an iPhone 7 please let describe the issue in the comments below.

Since it is unlikely that drone pilots who are already committed to an iPhone 7 will change devices, we recommend you switch to an iPad mini 4 for your flights.



Dave Johnstone

Dave Johnstone is Managing Editor at DroneReviewsAndNews where he writes and reports on all drone news. In addition to be a Transport Canada Advanced drone pilot, he is also a contributor at and founder of You can reach him at or @dronenewsguy

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