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Now that the sunshine and warmer days are here, you’re probably itching to get outside and fly.
Changing temperatures, damp days and being able to really hit the great outdoors means you need to pack the right gear for your Mavic Pro adventure.
Here are our top picks for Best Mavic Pro Accessories for Spring:
#1 LowePro Slingshot Edge 250 AW
The AW stands for All-Weather because this sling bag has room for everything and can keep it dry.
The upper compartment has an open cavity to store just about anything and has a ‘cradle fit pocket’ that suspends your tablet and protects it from impact.
If the skies turn gray and rain threatens just unzip the bottom pocket to reveal the All Weather cover that completely surrounds the bag.
We recommend the 250 AW model because you can pretty much pack in an entire Fly More Combo inside. (There’s a smaller Slingshot Edge 150 that LowePro also recommends for the Mavic).
Less than $100, the LowePro Slingshot Edge 250 AW is honestly our favourite “on the go” bag for the Mavic. We’ve logged countless miles with our LowePro before we owned a Mavic Pro, using it for our DSLR.
The LowePro Slingshot Edge 250 AW is available at Amazon, B&H Photo, and Adorama. Check the prices at all three, because they do vary at different times. At the time of writing Amazon was more expensive and didn’t offer free shipping like B&H Photo and Adorama.
#2 – Extra Batteries
The warmer days mean we’re free to roam and head out greater distances. Make the most of your time flying by making sure you have more than enough power. Our Mavic Accessories page has all of the Mavic Power Management supplies you need, but none are as important as that extra Intelligent Flight Battery.
Since the release of the Mavic Pro, the price of accessories just keeps dropping. And the Intelligent Flight Battery is no exception. Currently under $90 at Amazon, B&H Photo, Adorama and DJI, your biggest decision is which one can ship it to you fastest.
Any time you pack your Mavic for a ride on the trail we highly recommend isolating the Thumb Sticks. This prevents them from rattling around in your new LowePro Slingshot Edge 250 and also means they won’t wedged in the bag could which could do damage to them.
These Mavic Pro Thumb Stick guards are cheap insurance to keep your Remote Control in the best shape possible. We like the UZOPI model because it also features a screen protector to prevent scratches.
Available at Amazon with FREE Prime Shipping.
If you’re only using your smartphone with the Mavic Remote Controller, we recommend DJI’s own Sun Shade. It’s compact and foldable, taking up next to no space in your sling bag.
It’s higher quality than several other models out there, but new products are coming out almost daily so keep an eye on the Amazon search box.
The Sun Shade connects to the Remote Controller over the antennas and, according to DJI, does not affect signal strength.
#5 – Your Trusted GPS Drone Tracker
Drone fly-aways haven’t been cured yet. And if the nicer weather means you’re flying in more remote locations this may just be the most important accessory you pack. Available from several manufacturers with varying plans (usually just a few dollars per month), these GPS trackers are small, inexpensive and easy to use. (Check out our post on GPS Drone Trackers here )
We recommend the Trax for it’s compact size, ease of use and light weight. And with battery life up to 3 days, that gives you lots of time to track down your machine if it goes missing.
Earlier we shared an in-depth post on what Neutral Density (ND) filters are and how they improve the quality of your video. The most important part of ND filters is actually using them. Bright days and certain landscapes like beaches and concrete jungles, cause the video to become washed out and lacking in color depth.
An ND filter slows down the lens to allow for more beautiful image quality.
Once you understand how ND filters work and which one to use (hint: it’s all explained here) how do you decide which ND filter set to buy?
We recommend the Polar Pro filters becuase they are so highly rated on Amazon. The basic set (which is all most pilots will ever need) comes with three filters: ND4, ND8 and ND16. Yes you can buy a bigger collection, but in our experience you’re not going to notice a difference.
There are many, many more accessories that you can pack along with your Mavic, and most of them are listed on our Mavic Accessories page. You can compare prices from Amazon, B&H Photo, DJI and Adorama all in one place. Check it out here.
If there’s a Mavic Accessory that we’ve missed, please let us know in the comments. We’d love to try it out and add it to the list.
Oh, and one last accessory: Don’t forget your sunscreen!
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