DJI Now Offers 3, 6 or 12 Months Payment Plans For Purchases

DJI has over 70% of the worldwide recreational drone market for a reason: their products are technological marvels that incorporate incredible, high quality components.  But they’re not cheap.

A recent purchase of an Inspire 2 drone, an extra battery, and a Zenmuse X7 gimbal with a 12mm lens came ot over $10,000.

Even a feature packed starter drone like the Spark, when it’s kitted out for maximum use, can run you a thousand dollars.

So DJI has partnered with Cross River Bank, of New Jersey, to offer the Affirm financing option at checkout.  Prior to payment, buyers are given the option to sign up and finance their drone purchase over 3, 6 or 12 months with Affirm.

Depending on your credit, interest rates could be as low as 0% until November 20th.  And the best part is checking whether you’re eligible won’t affect your credit score.  After providing a few pieces of information you’ll get a real-time decision to help you decide how you want to make your purchase.

For some buyers, being able to tap into the Affirm financing program could expand the purchase options significantly.  Someone who is buying a Spark Fly More Combo because that matches the price point they’ve saved for could now grab a Mavic Pro Platinum Fly More Combo for just a few dollars more, spread over the next few months.

And that’s perhaps the best feature of the DJI & Affirm partnership: the maximum payment period is 12 months.  No one is locking themselves into a payment schedule that doesn’t make sense.

It looks like DJI is ‘re-releasing’ it’s messing on the Affirm program, which until now had only been a footnote on the product prices in the DJI Store.  With Black Friday just around the corner, and the almost guaranteed scarcity that will follow, those who know will be getting their DJI gifts early to beat the rush and assure delivery while stock of their drone is available.

For more details on DJI’s partnership with Affirm, click through to the DJI Store website.

Dave Johnstone

Dave Johnstone is Managing Editor at DroneReviewsAndNews where he writes and reports on all drone news. In addition to be a Transport Canada Advanced drone pilot, he is also a contributor at and founder of You can reach him at or @dronenewsguy

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